Organization of American Historians Award
Program Scholarship :
ABC-CLIO America: History and Life Award
Erik Barnouw Award
Ray Allen Billington Prize
Binkley-Stephenson Award
Avery O. Craven Award
Merle Curti Award
Ellis W. Hawley Prize
Huggins-Quarles Award
Jamestown Scholars: New Dissertation Fellowships from the National Park Service and Organization of American Historians
Japanese Residencies Program
La Pietra Dissertation Travel Fellowship in Transnational History
Richard W. Leopold Prize
OAH Lerner-Scott Dissertation Prize
Organization of American Historians David Thelen Award
Louis Pelzer Memorial Award
James A. Rawley Prize
Horace Samuel and Marion Galbraith Merrill Travel Grants in Twentieth-Century American Political History
Mary K. Bonsteel Tachau Precollegiate Teaching Award
Frederick Jackson Turner Award
ABC-CLIO America: History and Life Award
(Four Year College, University/Prize)
Purpose: One-time biannual award available to recognize journal literature advancing new perspectives on accepted interpretations or previously unconsidered topics in American History. Individuals and editors may submit nominations.
One copy of each entry must be received by each member of the award committee by December 1 of even-numbered years. One prize of $750. Focus: History; American Studies Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $750. To Apply: Required: essay; entry in a contest. Deadline: 12/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Erik Barnouw Award
(Four Year College, University/Prize)
Purpose: One-time award available to recognize outstanding reporting or programming on network or cable television, or in documentary film concerned with American history. Films completed since January 1 of application year are eligible. Entries should be submitted on 1/2 inch video. One copy of each entry must be received by each committee member by December 1. Focus: History Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Maximum no. of awards: 2. Minimum award amount: $500. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 1 prize(s). To Apply: Required: entry in a contest. Deadline: 12/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Ray Allen Billington Prize
(Four Year College, University/Prize)
Purpose: One award available biannually for the best book in American frontier history; defined broadly so as to include the pioneer periods of all geographical areas and comparison between American frontiers and others. One copy of each entry must be received by each member of the prize committee by October 1 of even-numbered years. Final page proofs accepted for books published after October 1 and before January 1 of the following year. Bound copy of final page proofs must be submitted by January 7. Author of winning book will receive $1000 and publisher will receive a certificate of merit. Focus: History; American Studies Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $1000. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 1 prize(s), totalling $1,000. To Apply: Required: entry in a contest. Deadline: 10/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Binkley-Stephenson Award
(Four Year College, Postgraduate, Two Year College, University, Vocational/Occupational/Prize)
Purpose: One-time award of $500 for the best scholarly article published in the Journal of American History during the preceding calendar year. Focus: History; American Studies Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $500. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 1 prize(s), totalling $500. To Apply: Required: entry in a contest. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Avery O. Craven Award
(Four Year College, University/Prize)
Purpose: Annual, one-time award for the most original book on the coming of the Civil War, Civil War years, or the Era of Reconstruction, with the exception of works of purely military history. Each entry must be published between January 1 and December 31. One copy of each entry must be received by each member of the prize committee by October 1 of the year in which the book was published. Focus: History; Applied Sciences Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $500. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 1 prize(s), totalling $500. To Apply: Required: entry in a contest. Deadline: 10/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Merle Curti Award
(Four Year College, University/Prize)
Purpose: One-time award available for the best book in the field of American social history and intellectual history. Award may be split between a book of social history and one of intellectual history. Final page proofs accepted for books published after October 1 and before January 1 of the following year. Bound copy of final page proofs must be submitted by January 7. Publisher will be honored with a certificate of merit. Cultural history submissions may be considered in either intellectual or social history categories. Focus: History; American Studies Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Maximum no. of awards: 2. Minimum award amount: $1000. Maximum award amount: $2000. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 2 prize(s), totalling $2,000. To Apply: Required: entry in a contest. Deadline: 10/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Ellis W. Hawley Prize
(Four Year College, Postgraduate, University/Prize)
Purpose: One-time $500 annual award available for the best book on the political economy, politics, or institutions of the U.S., concerning its domestic or international affairs, from the Civil War to the present. Copy of each entry must be received by each member of award committee by October 1 of the year in which the book was published. Eligible works shall include book-length historical studies written in English. Focus: History; Political Science; American Studies Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $500. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 1 prize(s), totalling $500. To Apply: Required: entry in a contest. Deadline: 10/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Huggins-Quarles Award
(Four Year College, University/Prize)
Purpose: Annual one-time award for minority graduate students at the dissertation research stage of their PhD program in history. The student should submit a letter from the dissertation adviser, a two-page abstract of the dissertation project, and a budget. Application deadline December 1. Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens. Award available to the following races: Native American/Eskimo; Asian; African American; Hispanic.
Funds Avail.: Maximum no. of awards: 2. Maximum award amount: $1000. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 2 prize(s), totalling $2,000. To Apply: Required: application form. Deadline: 12/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Jamestown Scholars: New Dissertation Fellowships from the National Park Service and Organization of American Historians
(Four Year College, University/Fellowship)
Purpose: One-time fellowship award supporting PhD research with focus on the development and legacy of 17th century Jamestown. For U.S. graduate students pursuing PhDs in history, American studies, and related fields. Applications can be sent via e-mail to Deadline is June 30. Focus: History; American Studies Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $5000. Deadline: 6/30. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Japanese Residencies Program
(Four Year College, University/Grant)
Purpose: One-time award for 3 selected scholars of U.S. history to give lecturers and seminars at Japanese university. Program lasts for two weeks. Award covers airfare, housing, and daily expenses. Applicants must be members of the OAH and scholars of American history or culture. Application deadline December 1. Please refer to Web site for further details Focus: History; American Studies Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens. Deadline: 12/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
La Pietra Dissertation Travel Fellowship in Transnational History
Purpose: Provides financial assistance to graduate students whose dissertation topics deal with aspects of American history beyond U.S. borders. Fellowship may be used for international travel to collections vital to dissertation research. Must be currently enrolled in U.S. or foreign graduate program. Deadline: December 1. Must send current curriculum vitae indicating language proficiency. Focus: History Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $1250. To Apply: Required: essay; reference(s); 2-3 page project description. Deadline: 12/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Richard W. Leopold Prize
(Four Year College, University/Prize)
Purpose: Biennial one-time award available for the best book written by a historian connected with federal, state, or municipal government in foreign policy, military affairs, or historical activities of the federal government, or a biography in one of the aforementioned areas. Winner must have been employed in a government position for at least five years. One copy of each entry must be received by each member of the prize committee by October 1 of odd-numbered years. Final page proofs accepted for books published after September 1 and before January 1 of the following year. Bound copy of final page proofs must be submitted by January 7. Contact for addresses. Author of winning book will receive $1500. Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens. Award available to employees or relatives of employees within the following industries: designated career field.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $1500. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 1 prize(s), totalling $1,500. To Apply: Required: entry in a contest. Deadline: 10/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
OAH Lerner-Scott Dissertation Prize
(Four Year College, University/Prize)
Purpose: One annual award for the best doctoral dissertation in U.S. women's history. Must submit letter of support from a faculty member at the degree-granting institution, an abstract, table of contents, and sample chapter from the dissertation. Deadline for submissions is October 1. Focus: History; Women's Studies Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $1000. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 1 prize(s), totalling $1,000. To Apply: Required: application form. Deadline: 10/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Organization of American Historians David Thelen Award
(Four Year College, University/Prize)
Purpose: The OAH awards a prize annually for the best article and biennially awards a prize for the best book on American history that have been published in languages other than English. The winner will receive $500 and a certificate. The winning article will be published in the Journal of American History. Eligible books or articles should be concerned with the past (recent or distant) or with issues of continuity and change. Entries should also be concerned with events or processes that began, developed, or ended in what is now the United States. Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $500. To Apply: Required: entry in a contest. Deadline: 5/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Louis Pelzer Memorial Award
(Four Year College, University/Prize)
Purpose: Annual one-time award for the best essay in American History by a graduate student at any level in any field. Entries may not exceed 7,000 words and the winning entry will be published in the Journal of American History. Submit entries in quadruplicate with a separate cover sheet stating author's name and graduate program. One prize of $500. Essay must be received by December 1. Focus: History; American Studies Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $500. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 1 prize(s), totalling $500. To Apply: Required: essay; entry in a contest. Deadline: 12/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
James A. Rawley Prize
(Four Year College, University/Prize)
Purpose: Annual one-time award for a book dealing with the history of race relations in the U.S. One copy of each entry must be received by each member of prize committee by October 1. Final page proofs accepted for books published after October 1 and before January 1 of the following year. Bound copy of final page proofs must be submitted by January 7. Author of winning book receives $1000 and publisher receives certificate of merit. Focus: American Studies; Social Sciences; History Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $1000. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 1 prize(s), totalling $1,000. To Apply: Required: entry in a contest. Deadline: 10/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Horace Samuel and Marion Galbraith Merrill Travel Grants in Twentieth-Century American Political History
(Four Year College, Postgraduate, University/Grant)
Purpose: Grant promotes access of younger scholars to Washington, D.C. region's primary source collections in late nineteenth and twentieth-century American political history. Stipends of $500 to $3000 are awarded to underwrite travel and lodging expenses for members of Organization of American Historians who are working toward completion of a dissertation or a first book. Application deadline is December 1. Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum award amount: $500. Maximum award amount: $3000. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 5 grant(s), totalling $6,000. Deadline: 12/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Mary K. Bonsteel Tachau Precollegiate Teaching Award
(Four Year College, University/Prize)
Purpose: One award available to precollegiate teacher for exceptional performance in advancing history or social studies education. Submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, samples of written work, narrative describing the goals and effects of candidate's work, and names of three references. Complete application must be no more than 25 double-spaced pages. Application materials deadline December 1. Focus: History; Social Sciences; American Studies Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens. Award available to employees or relatives of employees within the following industries: teaching.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $1000. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 1 prize(s), totalling $1,000. To Apply: Required: application form; reference(s). Deadline: 12/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Frederick Jackson Turner Award
(Four Year College, University/Prize)
Purpose: This award has been given annually since 1959 for an author's first book on some significant phase of American history and also to the press that submits and publishes it. The winning press receives a certificate and a complimentary ad for the book in the Journal of American History. The author receives $1000, a certificate, and a medal. The deadline for receipt of entries is October 1. Focus: History; American Studies Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $1000. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 1 prize(s), totalling $1,000. To Apply: Required: entry in a contest. Deadline: 10/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
112 North Bryan Ave.
Bloomington, IN 47408-4199
Ph: (812)855-9852
Fax: (812)855-0696
ABC-CLIO America: History and Life Award
Erik Barnouw Award
Ray Allen Billington Prize
Binkley-Stephenson Award
Avery O. Craven Award
Merle Curti Award
Ellis W. Hawley Prize
Huggins-Quarles Award
Jamestown Scholars: New Dissertation Fellowships from the National Park Service and Organization of American Historians
Japanese Residencies Program
La Pietra Dissertation Travel Fellowship in Transnational History
Richard W. Leopold Prize
OAH Lerner-Scott Dissertation Prize
Organization of American Historians David Thelen Award
Louis Pelzer Memorial Award
James A. Rawley Prize
Horace Samuel and Marion Galbraith Merrill Travel Grants in Twentieth-Century American Political History
Mary K. Bonsteel Tachau Precollegiate Teaching Award
Frederick Jackson Turner Award
ABC-CLIO America: History and Life Award
(Four Year College, University/Prize)
Purpose: One-time biannual award available to recognize journal literature advancing new perspectives on accepted interpretations or previously unconsidered topics in American History. Individuals and editors may submit nominations.
One copy of each entry must be received by each member of the award committee by December 1 of even-numbered years. One prize of $750. Focus: History; American Studies Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $750. To Apply: Required: essay; entry in a contest. Deadline: 12/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Erik Barnouw Award
(Four Year College, University/Prize)
Purpose: One-time award available to recognize outstanding reporting or programming on network or cable television, or in documentary film concerned with American history. Films completed since January 1 of application year are eligible. Entries should be submitted on 1/2 inch video. One copy of each entry must be received by each committee member by December 1. Focus: History Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Maximum no. of awards: 2. Minimum award amount: $500. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 1 prize(s). To Apply: Required: entry in a contest. Deadline: 12/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Ray Allen Billington Prize
(Four Year College, University/Prize)
Purpose: One award available biannually for the best book in American frontier history; defined broadly so as to include the pioneer periods of all geographical areas and comparison between American frontiers and others. One copy of each entry must be received by each member of the prize committee by October 1 of even-numbered years. Final page proofs accepted for books published after October 1 and before January 1 of the following year. Bound copy of final page proofs must be submitted by January 7. Author of winning book will receive $1000 and publisher will receive a certificate of merit. Focus: History; American Studies Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $1000. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 1 prize(s), totalling $1,000. To Apply: Required: entry in a contest. Deadline: 10/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Binkley-Stephenson Award
(Four Year College, Postgraduate, Two Year College, University, Vocational/Occupational/Prize)
Purpose: One-time award of $500 for the best scholarly article published in the Journal of American History during the preceding calendar year. Focus: History; American Studies Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $500. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 1 prize(s), totalling $500. To Apply: Required: entry in a contest. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Avery O. Craven Award
(Four Year College, University/Prize)
Purpose: Annual, one-time award for the most original book on the coming of the Civil War, Civil War years, or the Era of Reconstruction, with the exception of works of purely military history. Each entry must be published between January 1 and December 31. One copy of each entry must be received by each member of the prize committee by October 1 of the year in which the book was published. Focus: History; Applied Sciences Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $500. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 1 prize(s), totalling $500. To Apply: Required: entry in a contest. Deadline: 10/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Merle Curti Award
(Four Year College, University/Prize)
Purpose: One-time award available for the best book in the field of American social history and intellectual history. Award may be split between a book of social history and one of intellectual history. Final page proofs accepted for books published after October 1 and before January 1 of the following year. Bound copy of final page proofs must be submitted by January 7. Publisher will be honored with a certificate of merit. Cultural history submissions may be considered in either intellectual or social history categories. Focus: History; American Studies Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Maximum no. of awards: 2. Minimum award amount: $1000. Maximum award amount: $2000. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 2 prize(s), totalling $2,000. To Apply: Required: entry in a contest. Deadline: 10/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Ellis W. Hawley Prize
(Four Year College, Postgraduate, University/Prize)
Purpose: One-time $500 annual award available for the best book on the political economy, politics, or institutions of the U.S., concerning its domestic or international affairs, from the Civil War to the present. Copy of each entry must be received by each member of award committee by October 1 of the year in which the book was published. Eligible works shall include book-length historical studies written in English. Focus: History; Political Science; American Studies Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $500. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 1 prize(s), totalling $500. To Apply: Required: entry in a contest. Deadline: 10/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Huggins-Quarles Award
(Four Year College, University/Prize)
Purpose: Annual one-time award for minority graduate students at the dissertation research stage of their PhD program in history. The student should submit a letter from the dissertation adviser, a two-page abstract of the dissertation project, and a budget. Application deadline December 1. Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens. Award available to the following races: Native American/Eskimo; Asian; African American; Hispanic.
Funds Avail.: Maximum no. of awards: 2. Maximum award amount: $1000. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 2 prize(s), totalling $2,000. To Apply: Required: application form. Deadline: 12/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Jamestown Scholars: New Dissertation Fellowships from the National Park Service and Organization of American Historians
(Four Year College, University/Fellowship)
Purpose: One-time fellowship award supporting PhD research with focus on the development and legacy of 17th century Jamestown. For U.S. graduate students pursuing PhDs in history, American studies, and related fields. Applications can be sent via e-mail to Deadline is June 30. Focus: History; American Studies Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $5000. Deadline: 6/30. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Japanese Residencies Program
(Four Year College, University/Grant)
Purpose: One-time award for 3 selected scholars of U.S. history to give lecturers and seminars at Japanese university. Program lasts for two weeks. Award covers airfare, housing, and daily expenses. Applicants must be members of the OAH and scholars of American history or culture. Application deadline December 1. Please refer to Web site for further details Focus: History; American Studies Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens. Deadline: 12/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
La Pietra Dissertation Travel Fellowship in Transnational History
Purpose: Provides financial assistance to graduate students whose dissertation topics deal with aspects of American history beyond U.S. borders. Fellowship may be used for international travel to collections vital to dissertation research. Must be currently enrolled in U.S. or foreign graduate program. Deadline: December 1. Must send current curriculum vitae indicating language proficiency. Focus: History Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $1250. To Apply: Required: essay; reference(s); 2-3 page project description. Deadline: 12/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Richard W. Leopold Prize
(Four Year College, University/Prize)
Purpose: Biennial one-time award available for the best book written by a historian connected with federal, state, or municipal government in foreign policy, military affairs, or historical activities of the federal government, or a biography in one of the aforementioned areas. Winner must have been employed in a government position for at least five years. One copy of each entry must be received by each member of the prize committee by October 1 of odd-numbered years. Final page proofs accepted for books published after September 1 and before January 1 of the following year. Bound copy of final page proofs must be submitted by January 7. Contact for addresses. Author of winning book will receive $1500. Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens. Award available to employees or relatives of employees within the following industries: designated career field.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $1500. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 1 prize(s), totalling $1,500. To Apply: Required: entry in a contest. Deadline: 10/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
OAH Lerner-Scott Dissertation Prize
(Four Year College, University/Prize)
Purpose: One annual award for the best doctoral dissertation in U.S. women's history. Must submit letter of support from a faculty member at the degree-granting institution, an abstract, table of contents, and sample chapter from the dissertation. Deadline for submissions is October 1. Focus: History; Women's Studies Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $1000. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 1 prize(s), totalling $1,000. To Apply: Required: application form. Deadline: 10/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Organization of American Historians David Thelen Award
(Four Year College, University/Prize)
Purpose: The OAH awards a prize annually for the best article and biennially awards a prize for the best book on American history that have been published in languages other than English. The winner will receive $500 and a certificate. The winning article will be published in the Journal of American History. Eligible books or articles should be concerned with the past (recent or distant) or with issues of continuity and change. Entries should also be concerned with events or processes that began, developed, or ended in what is now the United States. Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $500. To Apply: Required: entry in a contest. Deadline: 5/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Louis Pelzer Memorial Award
(Four Year College, University/Prize)
Purpose: Annual one-time award for the best essay in American History by a graduate student at any level in any field. Entries may not exceed 7,000 words and the winning entry will be published in the Journal of American History. Submit entries in quadruplicate with a separate cover sheet stating author's name and graduate program. One prize of $500. Essay must be received by December 1. Focus: History; American Studies Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $500. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 1 prize(s), totalling $500. To Apply: Required: essay; entry in a contest. Deadline: 12/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
James A. Rawley Prize
(Four Year College, University/Prize)
Purpose: Annual one-time award for a book dealing with the history of race relations in the U.S. One copy of each entry must be received by each member of prize committee by October 1. Final page proofs accepted for books published after October 1 and before January 1 of the following year. Bound copy of final page proofs must be submitted by January 7. Author of winning book receives $1000 and publisher receives certificate of merit. Focus: American Studies; Social Sciences; History Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $1000. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 1 prize(s), totalling $1,000. To Apply: Required: entry in a contest. Deadline: 10/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Horace Samuel and Marion Galbraith Merrill Travel Grants in Twentieth-Century American Political History
(Four Year College, Postgraduate, University/Grant)
Purpose: Grant promotes access of younger scholars to Washington, D.C. region's primary source collections in late nineteenth and twentieth-century American political history. Stipends of $500 to $3000 are awarded to underwrite travel and lodging expenses for members of Organization of American Historians who are working toward completion of a dissertation or a first book. Application deadline is December 1. Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum award amount: $500. Maximum award amount: $3000. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 5 grant(s), totalling $6,000. Deadline: 12/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Mary K. Bonsteel Tachau Precollegiate Teaching Award
(Four Year College, University/Prize)
Purpose: One award available to precollegiate teacher for exceptional performance in advancing history or social studies education. Submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, samples of written work, narrative describing the goals and effects of candidate's work, and names of three references. Complete application must be no more than 25 double-spaced pages. Application materials deadline December 1. Focus: History; Social Sciences; American Studies Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens. Award available to employees or relatives of employees within the following industries: teaching.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $1000. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 1 prize(s), totalling $1,000. To Apply: Required: application form; reference(s). Deadline: 12/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
Frederick Jackson Turner Award
(Four Year College, University/Prize)
Purpose: This award has been given annually since 1959 for an author's first book on some significant phase of American history and also to the press that submits and publishes it. The winning press receives a certificate and a complimentary ad for the book in the Journal of American History. The author receives $1000, a certificate, and a medal. The deadline for receipt of entries is October 1. Focus: History; American Studies Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $1000. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 1 prize(s), totalling $1,000. To Apply: Required: entry in a contest. Deadline: 10/1. Contact: Kara Hamm, Award and Prize Committee Coordinator, 812-855-9852,
112 North Bryan Ave.
Bloomington, IN 47408-4199
Ph: (812)855-9852
Fax: (812)855-0696
Labels: education grant, federal grant, free college, free grant, free money, scholarships
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