American Nephrology Nurses' Association
Program Scholarship:
Abbott/Pamela Balzer Career Mobility Scholarship
American Nephrology Nurses' Association American Regent Career Mobility Scholarship
American Nephrology Nurses' Association AMGEN Career Mobility Scholarship
American Nephrology Nurses' Association Anthony J. Janetti, Inc. Career Mobility Scholarship
American Nephrology Nurses' Association Bioethics Grant
American Nephrology Nurses' Association Career Mobility Scholarship
American Nephrology Nurses' Association GE Osmonics Medical Systems Career Mobility Scholarship
American Nephrology Nurses' Association Grant
American Nephrology Nurses' Association Jeffrey Bachin Excellence in Clinical Practice Grant
American Nephrology Nurses' Association NNCC Career Mobility Scholarship
American Nephrology Nurses' Association Tyco Kendall Healthcare Products Scholarship for Continuing Education
American Nephrology Nurses' Association Watson Pharma, Inc. Career Mobility Scholarship
Abbott/Pamela Balzer Career Mobility Scholarship
(Four Year College, Postgraduate, University/Scholarship)
Purpose: Scholarships available to support qualified ANNA members, minimum two years membership, in the pursuit of either a BSN or advanced degree in
nursing that will enhance their nephrology nursing practice. Deadline is October 15. Details on Web. Focus: Nursing Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to employees or relatives of employees within the following industries: designated career field.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $2500. To Apply: Required: application form; transcript; essay; reference(s); eligibility documentation, acceptance letter. Deadline: 10/15. Contact: Charlotte Thomas-Hawkins, American Nephrology Nurses' Association, 856-256-2320,
American Nephrology Nurses' Association American Regent Career Mobility Scholarship
(Four Year College, Postgraduate, University/Scholarship)
Purpose: Scholarships available to support qualified ANNA members in the pursuit of either a BSN or advanced degree in nursing that will enhance their nephrology nursing practice. Deadline is October 15. Details on Web. Focus: Nursing Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to employees or relatives of employees within the following industries: designated career field.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $2000. To Apply: Required: application form; transcript; essay; reference(s); eligibility documentation, acceptance letter. Deadline: 10/15. Contact: Charlotte Thomas-Hawkins, American Nephrology Nurses' Association, 856-256-2320,
American Nephrology Nurses' Association AMGEN Career Mobility Scholarship
(Four Year College, Postgraduate, University/Scholarship)
Purpose: Scholarships available to support qualified ANNA members in the pursuit of either a BSN or advanced degree in nursing that will enhance their nephrology nursing practice. Deadline is October 15. Details on Web Focus: Nursing Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to employees or relatives of employees within the following industries: designated career field.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $2500. To Apply: Required: application form; transcript; essay; reference(s); eligibility documentation, acceptance letter. Deadline: 10/15. Contact: Charlotte Thomas-Hawkins, American Nephrology Nurses' Association, 856-256-2320,
American Nephrology Nurses' Association Anthony J. Janetti, Inc. Career Mobility Scholarship
(Four Year College, Postgraduate, University/Scholarship)
Purpose: Scholarships available to support qualified ANNA members in the pursuit of either a BSN or advanced degree in nursing that will enhance their nephrology nursing practice. Deadline is October 15. Details on the Web Focus: Nursing Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to employees or relatives of employees within the following industries: designated career field.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Maximum award amount: $2000. To Apply: Required: application form; transcript; essay; reference(s); eligibility documentation, letter of acceptance. Deadline: 10/15. Contact: Charlotte Thomas-Hawkins, American Nephrology Nurses' Association, 856-256-2320,
American Nephrology Nurses' Association Bioethics Grant
(Four Year College, Postgraduate, University/Grant)
Purpose: Grant available to provide funding for one qualified ANNA member to support education in basic philosophical theory, as well as current concepts and issues in healthcare science-related ethics. Must currently be employed as a nephrology nurse. Deadline is October 15. Details available at Web site: Focus: Nursing Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to employees or relatives of employees within the following industries: designated career field.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Maximum award amount: $2400. To Apply: Required: application form; transcript; essay; reference(s); eligibility documentation. Deadline: 10/15. Contact: Charlotte Thomas-Hawkins, American Nephrology Nurses' Association, 856-256-2320,
American Nephrology Nurses' Association Career Mobility Scholarship
(Four Year College, Postgraduate, University/Scholarship)
Purpose: Scholarships available to support qualified ANNA members, minimum two years, in the pursuit of either BSN or advanced degrees in nursing that will enhance their nephrology nursing practice. Must be accepted or enrolled in baccalaureate or higher degree program in nursing. Details on Web Focus: Nursing Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to employees or relatives of employees within the following industries: designated career field.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 5. Minimum award amount: $2000. To Apply: Required: application form; transcript; essay; reference(s); eligibility documentation, acceptance letter. Deadline: 10/15. Contact: Charlotte Thomas-Hawkins, American Nephrology Nurses' Association, 856-256-2320,
American Nephrology Nurses' Association GE Osmonics Medical Systems Career Mobility Scholarship
(Four Year College, Postgraduate, University/Scholarship)
Purpose: Scholarships available to support qualified ANNA members in the pursuit of either BSN or advanced degrees in nursing that will enhance their nephrology nursing practice. Deadline is October 15. Details on Web. Focus: Nursing Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to employees or relatives of employees within the following industries: designated career field.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 2. Minimum award amount: $2500. To Apply: Required: application form; transcript; essay; reference(s); eligibility documentation, letter of acceptance. Deadline: 10/15. Contact: Charlotte Thomas-Hawkins, American Nephrology Nurses' Association, 856-256-2320,
American Nephrology Nurses' Association Grant
Purpose: Grant to registered nurse with current license and Master's degree for research related to nephrology nursing practice. Other qualifications being equal, preference will be given to ANNA members. Submit proposal and application materials by October 15. Focus: Nursing Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens. Award available to employees or relatives of employees within the following industries: designated career field.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Maximum award amount: $15000. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 1 grant(s), totalling $6,000. To Apply: Required: application form; reference(s). Deadline: 10/15. Contact: Charlotte Thomas-Hawkins, American Nephrology Nurses' Association, 856-256-2320,
American Nephrology Nurses' Association Jeffrey Bachin Excellence in Clinical Practice Grant
Purpose: Grant available that recognizes excellence in clinical practice or research directed at the prevention of vascular complications in individuals with diabetes mellitus. Must be a current member of ANNA. Deadline is October 15. Details on Web site at Focus: Nursing Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to employees or relatives of employees within the following industries: designated career field.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $2000. To Apply: Required: application form; transcript; essay; reference(s); eligibility documentation, detailed budget. Deadline: 10/15. Contact: Charlotte Thomas-Hawkins, American Nephrology Nurses' Association, 856-256-2320,
American Nephrology Nurses' Association NNCC Career Mobility Scholarship
(Four Year College, Postgraduate, University/Scholarship)
Purpose: Scholarships available for qualified ANNA members who are certified nephrology nurses, or certified dialysis nurse in the pursuit of a BSN or advanced degree in nursing. Deadline is October 15. Details on Web. Focus: Nursing Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to employees or relatives of employees within the following industries: designated career field.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 3. Minimum award amount: $2000. To Apply: Required: application form; transcript; essay; reference(s); eligibility documentation, letter of acceptance. Deadline: 10/15. Contact: Charlotte Thomas-Hawkins, American Nephrology Nurses' Association, 856-256-2320,
American Nephrology Nurses' Association Tyco Kendall Healthcare Products Scholarship for Continuing Education
(Four Year College, Postgraduate, University/Grant)
Purpose: Scholarship available for a qualified ANNA member in pursuit of an advanced degree that will enhance his/her ability to contribute to the renal community. Must currently be employed in nephrology nursing. Deadline is October 15. Additional information on Web site at Focus: Nursing Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to employees or relatives of employees within the following industries: designated career field.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $1000. To Apply: Required: application form; transcript; essay; reference(s); eligibility documentation, letter of acceptance. Deadline: 10/15. Contact: Charlotte Thomas-Hawkins, American Nephrology Nurses' Association, 856-256-2320,
American Nephrology Nurses' Association Watson Pharma, Inc. Career Mobility Scholarship
(Four Year College, Postgraduate, University/Scholarship)
Purpose: Scholarships available to support qualified ANNA members in the pursuit of either a BSN or advanced degree in nursing that will enhance their nephrology nursing practice. Deadline is October 15. Details on Web. Focus: Nursing Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to employees or relatives of employees within the following industries: designated career field.
Funds Avail.: Minimum no. of awards: 1. Minimum award amount: $2500. To Apply: Required: application form; transcript; essay; reference(s); eligibility documentation, letter of acceptance. Deadline: 10/15. Contact: Charlotte Thomas-Hawkins, American Nephrology Nurses' Association, 856-256-2320,
East Holly Ave.
Box 56
Pitman, NJ 08071-0056
Ph: (856)256-2320
Fax: (856)589-7463
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