American Association of Law Libraries
Program Scholarship:
AALL and West Group George A. Strait Minority Scholarship Endowment
James F. Connolly Congressional Information Scholarship
Law Librarians in Continuing Education Courses
Lexis Nexis (TM) / John R. Johnson Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Library School Graduates Attending Law School
Library School Graduates Seeking a Non-Law Degree
Type I: Library Degree for Law School Graduates
Type III: Library Degree for Non-Law School Graduates
AALL and West Group George A. Strait Minority Scholarship Endowment
(Four Year College, University/Scholarship)
Purpose: One-time award for minority graduate students who have library experience and are working toward an advanced degree to further law library career. Focus: Library and Information Sciences; Law/Legal Services
High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens. Award available to the following races: Native American/Eskimo; Asian; African American; Hispanic.
Funds Avail.: Minimum award amount: $3500. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 3 scholarship(s), totalling $10,000. To Apply: Required: application form; transcript; financial need analysis; essay; reference(s); self-addressed stamped envelope. Deadline: 4/1 every year. Contact: Rachel Shaevel, Membership Coordinator, 312-939-4764 ext. 10,
James F. Connolly Congressional Information Scholarship
(Four Year College, University/Scholarship)
Purpose: Awarded to a law librarian who is interested in pursuing a law degree. Preference given to a librarian who has demonstrated an interest in government publications. Focus: Law/Legal Services Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens. Award available to employees or relatives of employees within the following industries: designated career field.
Funds Avail.: Minimum award amount: $3000. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 0 scholarship(s). To Apply: Required: application form; transcript; financial need analysis; essay; reference(s); self-addressed stamped envelope. Deadline: 4/1 every year. Contact: Rachel Shaevel, Membership Coordinator, 312-939-4764 ext. 10,
Law Librarians in Continuing Education Courses
(Four Year College, University/Scholarship)
Purpose: Awarded to law librarians with a degree from an accredited library or law school who are registrants in continuing education courses related to law librarianship. Application deadlines are February 1, April 1, and October 1. Focus: Library and Information Sciences Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens. Award available to employees or relatives of employees within the following industries: designated career field.
Funds Avail.: Minimum award amount: $500. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 1 scholarship(s), totalling $500. To Apply: Required: application form; financial need analysis; essay; reference(s); self-addressed stamped envelope; course description. Contact: Rachel Shaevel, Membership Coordinator, 312-939-4764 ext. 10,
Lexis Nexis (TM) / John R. Johnson Memorial Scholarship Endowment
(Four Year College, University/Scholarship)
Purpose: Candidates who apply for AALL Scholarships, Type I-IV, become automatically eligible to receive the award. Focus: Law/Legal Services; Library and Information Sciences Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 7 scholarship(s), totalling $10,000. To Apply: Required: application form; transcript; financial need analysis; essay; reference(s); self-addressed stamped envelope. Deadline: 4/1 every year. Contact: Rachel Shaevel, Membership Coordinator, 312-939-4764 ext. 10,
Library School Graduates Attending Law School
(Four Year College, University/Scholarship)
Purpose: One-time award for library school graduates in the process of working toward a law degree with no more than 36 credits remaining before qualifying for a law degree. Need-based. Focus: Library and Information Sciences; Law/Legal Services Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 0 scholarship(s). To Apply: Required: application form; transcript; financial need analysis; essay; reference(s); self-addressed stamped envelope. Deadline: 4/1 every year. Contact: Rachel Shaevel, Membership Coordinator, 312-939-4764 ext. 10,
Library School Graduates Seeking a Non-Law Degree
(Four Year College, University/Scholarship)
Purpose: Awarded to library school graduates who are degree candidates in an area, other than law, which will be beneficial to the development of a professional career in law librarianship. Scholarship restricted to members of AALL. Evidence of financial need must be submitted. Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 0 scholarship(s). To Apply: Required: application form; transcript; financial need analysis; essay; reference(s); self-addressed stamped envelope. Deadline: 4/1 every year. Contact: Rachel Shaevel, Membership Coordinator, 312-939-4764 ext. 10,
Type I: Library Degree for Law School Graduates
(Four Year College, University/Scholarship)
Purpose: One-time award for graduates of law school who are degree candidates in an accredited library school. Preference given to AALL members and to those with law library experience. Based on need. Focus: Library and Information Sciences; Law/Legal Services Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens. To Apply: Required: application form; transcript; financial need analysis; essay; reference(s); self-addressed stamped envelope. Deadline: 4/1 every year. Contact: Rachel Shaevel, Membership Coordinator, 312-939-4764 ext. 10,
Type III: Library Degree for Non-Law School Graduates
(Four Year College, University/Scholarship)
Purpose: One-time award for college graduate with meaningful law library experience who is a degree candidate in an accredited library school. Preference given to AALL members. Based on need. Focus: Library and Information Sciences Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 1 scholarship(s), totalling $500. To Apply: Required: application form; transcript; financial need analysis; essay; reference(s); self-addressed stamped envelope. Deadline: 4/1 every year. Contact: Rachel Shaevel, Membership Coordinator, 312-939-4764 ext. 10,
53 West Jackson Blvd., Ste. 940
Chicago, IL 60604-3695
Ph: (312)939-4764
Fax: (312)431-1097
AALL and West Group George A. Strait Minority Scholarship Endowment
James F. Connolly Congressional Information Scholarship
Law Librarians in Continuing Education Courses
Lexis Nexis (TM) / John R. Johnson Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Library School Graduates Attending Law School
Library School Graduates Seeking a Non-Law Degree
Type I: Library Degree for Law School Graduates
Type III: Library Degree for Non-Law School Graduates
AALL and West Group George A. Strait Minority Scholarship Endowment
(Four Year College, University/Scholarship)
Purpose: One-time award for minority graduate students who have library experience and are working toward an advanced degree to further law library career. Focus: Library and Information Sciences; Law/Legal Services
High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens. Award available to the following races: Native American/Eskimo; Asian; African American; Hispanic.
Funds Avail.: Minimum award amount: $3500. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 3 scholarship(s), totalling $10,000. To Apply: Required: application form; transcript; financial need analysis; essay; reference(s); self-addressed stamped envelope. Deadline: 4/1 every year. Contact: Rachel Shaevel, Membership Coordinator, 312-939-4764 ext. 10,
James F. Connolly Congressional Information Scholarship
(Four Year College, University/Scholarship)
Purpose: Awarded to a law librarian who is interested in pursuing a law degree. Preference given to a librarian who has demonstrated an interest in government publications. Focus: Law/Legal Services Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens. Award available to employees or relatives of employees within the following industries: designated career field.
Funds Avail.: Minimum award amount: $3000. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 0 scholarship(s). To Apply: Required: application form; transcript; financial need analysis; essay; reference(s); self-addressed stamped envelope. Deadline: 4/1 every year. Contact: Rachel Shaevel, Membership Coordinator, 312-939-4764 ext. 10,
Law Librarians in Continuing Education Courses
(Four Year College, University/Scholarship)
Purpose: Awarded to law librarians with a degree from an accredited library or law school who are registrants in continuing education courses related to law librarianship. Application deadlines are February 1, April 1, and October 1. Focus: Library and Information Sciences Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens. Award available to employees or relatives of employees within the following industries: designated career field.
Funds Avail.: Minimum award amount: $500. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 1 scholarship(s), totalling $500. To Apply: Required: application form; financial need analysis; essay; reference(s); self-addressed stamped envelope; course description. Contact: Rachel Shaevel, Membership Coordinator, 312-939-4764 ext. 10,
Lexis Nexis (TM) / John R. Johnson Memorial Scholarship Endowment
(Four Year College, University/Scholarship)
Purpose: Candidates who apply for AALL Scholarships, Type I-IV, become automatically eligible to receive the award. Focus: Law/Legal Services; Library and Information Sciences Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 7 scholarship(s), totalling $10,000. To Apply: Required: application form; transcript; financial need analysis; essay; reference(s); self-addressed stamped envelope. Deadline: 4/1 every year. Contact: Rachel Shaevel, Membership Coordinator, 312-939-4764 ext. 10,
Library School Graduates Attending Law School
(Four Year College, University/Scholarship)
Purpose: One-time award for library school graduates in the process of working toward a law degree with no more than 36 credits remaining before qualifying for a law degree. Need-based. Focus: Library and Information Sciences; Law/Legal Services Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 0 scholarship(s). To Apply: Required: application form; transcript; financial need analysis; essay; reference(s); self-addressed stamped envelope. Deadline: 4/1 every year. Contact: Rachel Shaevel, Membership Coordinator, 312-939-4764 ext. 10,
Library School Graduates Seeking a Non-Law Degree
(Four Year College, University/Scholarship)
Purpose: Awarded to library school graduates who are degree candidates in an area, other than law, which will be beneficial to the development of a professional career in law librarianship. Scholarship restricted to members of AALL. Evidence of financial need must be submitted. Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 0 scholarship(s). To Apply: Required: application form; transcript; financial need analysis; essay; reference(s); self-addressed stamped envelope. Deadline: 4/1 every year. Contact: Rachel Shaevel, Membership Coordinator, 312-939-4764 ext. 10,
Type I: Library Degree for Law School Graduates
(Four Year College, University/Scholarship)
Purpose: One-time award for graduates of law school who are degree candidates in an accredited library school. Preference given to AALL members and to those with law library experience. Based on need. Focus: Library and Information Sciences; Law/Legal Services Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens. To Apply: Required: application form; transcript; financial need analysis; essay; reference(s); self-addressed stamped envelope. Deadline: 4/1 every year. Contact: Rachel Shaevel, Membership Coordinator, 312-939-4764 ext. 10,
Type III: Library Degree for Non-Law School Graduates
(Four Year College, University/Scholarship)
Purpose: One-time award for college graduate with meaningful law library experience who is a degree candidate in an accredited library school. Preference given to AALL members. Based on need. Focus: Library and Information Sciences Qualif.: High school students not considered. Award available to U.S. citizens. No. and Amount Awarded Last Calendar Year: 1 scholarship(s), totalling $500. To Apply: Required: application form; transcript; financial need analysis; essay; reference(s); self-addressed stamped envelope. Deadline: 4/1 every year. Contact: Rachel Shaevel, Membership Coordinator, 312-939-4764 ext. 10,
53 West Jackson Blvd., Ste. 940
Chicago, IL 60604-3695
Ph: (312)939-4764
Fax: (312)431-1097
Labels: education grant, fellowship, financial aid, free college, free grant, information science, law, legal services, library, scholarships
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